pirmdiena, 2014. gada 21. jūlijs

8 world choir games concerts in Rigas parks and on Origo Summer Stage

Friendship concerts in Riga on the Esplanade,  Vērmanes garden and Origo Summer Stage attracted quite a lot of listeners. A brief look at the daily concerts, the Choir from Germany, China, Lielbriitānijas, Malaysia, the Czech Republic, Wales, Moscow and Rezekne Green Hills Choir.

svētdiena, 2014. gada 13. jūlijs

8.smilšu skulptūru festivāls

Ir noskaidroti 8. Starptautiskā smilšu skulptūru festivāla „SummerSigns 2014” laureāti. Šogad festivāls Jelgavā vienkopus pulcēja 15 profesionālus māksliniekus no Latvijas, Lietuvas, Krievijas, Ungārijas, Bulgārijas, Ķīnas un Kanādas, kuri vairāk kā 800 tonnas smilšu pārvērta mākslas darbos par tēmu – Kino.

Inese Valtere/Latvija
„Alfreds Hičkoks (1899–1980)”
Bija un ir zīmols. Nepārspēts trilleru žanra meistars, kino vizuālās valodas ģēnijs. Viņam piemita izcila, ārkārtīgi precīza spēja dramatizēt un uz ekrāna projicēt kolektīvos dēmonus, bailes, neirozes. Hičkoks mīlēja provokatīvi mest izaicinājumu sava laika morālajiem un Holivudas cenzūras pieņemtajiem standartiem, tajā pašā laikā ļoti tieši komunicējot ar publiku meistarīgi uzbūvētu, emocionāli iedarbīgu filmu formā.

DonatasMockus/ Lietuva
„Mežonīgie rietumi”
Galvenais varonis ir kāds vientuļš klaidonis. Tas ir kovbojs vai izveicīgs šāvējs... sasviedrējušā kreklā, ap kaklu ir lakatiņš... vecu, iesīkstējušu uzskatu sadursme ar jauno pasauli, jauno domāšanu. Mākslas žanrs literatūrā, kino, glezniecībā un tēlotājmākslā, kas attēlo notikumus Ziemeļamerikas mežonīgajos rietumos un romantizē ASV Rietumu dzīvesveidu.

AndreyKoshelev /Krievija
Komplicēts scenārijs.

Aleksandr Skarednov/Krievija
„Kino burvība”
Kino ir skaists attēls, kuram ir arī otra puse.

Agnese Rudzīte-Kirillova/Latvija
„Beigas ir tikai sākums”
Daudzas no populārām Holivudas filmām bieži beidzas ar galveno varoņu satikšanos un palikšanu kopā, tā saucamo „Happyend”. Tieši šis standarts daudziem ir radījis iluzoru priekšstatu, ka dzīvē arī ir kā kino. Tomēr, ieskatoties vērīgāk filmas lentē, redzams, ka laimīgās beigas ir tikai ilūzija, jo pēc tam sākas patiesā dzīve ar daudzām tās negācijām.

„Čārlijs Čaplins” 3D.
Viss vienā (melns, balts, vecs, jauns…).

Ceļu būvniecības sabiedrības „Igate” simpātiju balva
Kamēr cilvēki uz zemes raksta scenārijus filmām, kāds raksta scenāriju pats savam liktenim.

FerencMonostori/ Ungārija
Es kino apmeklētājiem piedāvāju aplūkošanai savu skulptūru. Man vienmēr patikušas cilvēka sejas dažādās emocijas, un 90 procenti no sejām lūkojas vienā punktā, tāpēc cilvēkiem, kuri aplūko skulptūru, ir iespēja pašiem sajusties kā filmai.

ceturtdiena, 2014. gada 10. jūlijs

8.pasaules koru olimpiādes atklāšana / 8 world choir games open ceremony

Dalībvalstu karogu parādi un olimpiādes karoga svinīgo pacelšanu, Pasaules koru olimpiādes Starptautiskās konkursu žūrijas godināšanu un īpašo Zvana ceremoniju kuplināja Latvijas Nacionālais simfoniskais orķestris, solisti Renārs Kaupers un Intars Busulis, saksofonists Oskars Petrauskis, Latvijas Nacionālās operas baleta mākslinieki, solisti, tautas deju ansamblis Daiļrade, horeogrāfs Agris Daņiļevičs, vairāki kori, folkloras kopas un dūdinieku grupa. Diriģenti – Mārtiņš Klišāns, Mārtiņš Ozoliņš, Romāns Vanags, ceremonijas režisore Mirdza Zīvere.
Oficiāli 8. Pasaules koru olimpiādi atklāja Vācijas kultūras organizācijas prezidents Ginters Tīčs. 
"Lai labi skan, tālu skan un lai ikvienam koru olimpiādes dalībniekam ir prieks, par kopā būšanu un kopā dziedāšanu vienā no pasaules dziedošākajām valstīm - Latvijā!" trešdien 8.Pasaules koru olimpiādes Rīga 2014atklāšanā sacīja Valsts prezidents Andris Bērziņš.

Prezidents uzsvēra, ka dziesma spēj vienot dažādās pasaules malās dzīvojošos cilvēkus. "Dziesmai ir spēks. Dziesmai ir milzīgs spēks. Tā spēj vienot dažādās valodās runājošus un dažādās pasaules malās dzīvojošus cilvēkus."
Šovakar un nākamajās desmit dienās Rīgā, sacentīsies un dziesmās vienosies visu piecu kontinentu pārstāvji, turpat vai 30 tūkstoši dziedātāju no vairāk nekā 70 valstīm. "Rīga skanēs gan koncertzālēs, gan parkos."
Prezidents sacīja, ka  Pasaules koru olimpiāde būs nebijusi iespēja dziesmoto Latviju darīt vēl skanīgāku un krāšņāku.

The Member State debt and the Olympic flag hoisting solemn, World Choir Olympics International Competition Jury worship and a special ring ceremony kuplināja Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, soloists and Renars Kaupers Intars Busulis, saxophonist Oscar Petrauskis, Latvian National Opera Ballet artists, singers, folk dance ensemble Handicraft, Agris Daņiļevičs choreographer, several choirs, folk groups and bagpiper group. Conductors - Klišāns Martins Martins Ozolins, Roman Hawk, ceremonies director Mirdza feat.
Officially, the 8th World Choir Olympics in Germany revealed Cultural Organization President Günter tics.
"To have a good sound, sounds far away and that every member of the choir Olympics have the pleasure of being together and singing in one of the world's countries dziedošākajām - Latvian!" Wednesday 8.Pasaules Choir Olympiad in Riga 2014open ceremony said the President Andris Berzins.
The president stressed that the song can bring different parts of the world living people. "The song is power. Song has a huge strength. It can bring different languages ​​and in different parts of the world people living."
Tonight and the next ten days in Riga, and the songs will compete in all five continents will agree to representatives of nearly 30 thousand singers from more than 70 countries. "Riga will be played in concert halls both parks."
The president said that the World Choir Olympics will be a unique opportunity for countries to do the singing more resonant and colorful.


pirmdiena, 2014. gada 7. jūlijs

The concert "Born in Riga"

Sunday, July 6, the European Capital of Culture concert "Born in Riga" at the Latvian National Opera on the dedicated outdoor scene was a meeting place in Riga-born world music stars. The concert "Born in Riga" took an incredible bunch of artists.
The concert performed - Maya Kovalevska, Inese Galante, Alexander Antonenko, Egils Silins, Mischa Maisky, Ksenija Sidarova, Skride, Iveta Apkalna, Vestards Shimkus, Raimonds Pauls, Daniil Bulajevs and Lyma Jansson, the Latvian Radio Choir, the National Choir "Latvia "Sirmais and conductor, orchestra" Kremerata Baltica "and created especially for this project Orchestra, which brings together musicians who currently plays not only in Latvian and European orchestras. Orchestra conducted by Andris button and Sirmais. Concert "Born in Riga" ideas the author has Daina Markov, director Simon Davis, stage designer Aigars Ozolins.
Concert "Born in Riga" program covered a wide range of music and musicians, together presenting the greatest Latvian music and created the most famous in Riga-born musicians - folk choir, symphonic music,'s best instrumentalists and distinguished Latvian opera star.
Concert "Born in Riga" in their television screens could see Switzerland (RSI Switzerland), Spain (RTVE Spain), Andorra (Andorra RTVA), Slovenia (RTVSLO Slovenia), Ukraine (Ukraine NTCU), Bulgaria (BNT Bulgaria), Finland (YLE Finland ), Lithuania (LRT Lithuania) and Estonia (ERR Estonia) population.
In cooperation with the Latvian Television broadcast a concert prestigious cultural channel ARTE (France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland), while the concert live on the Internet could watch every music lover "ARTE Live".
The concert was broadcast Eiroradio States and the Czech Republic, Spain, Greece, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia and elsewhere.

European Capital of Culture concert "Born in Riga" was also attended by senior officials of the Latvian state - European Capital of Culture patron Latvian President Andris Berzins, the Speaker Solvita Āboltiņa Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma, Riga Mayor Nil Ushakov, Riga Vice Mayor Andris Ameriks and Latvian Honorary Consul.

Photos from the concert:


sestdiena, 2014. gada 5. jūlijs

The place when happen European Capital of Culture concert "Born in Riga"

Sunday, July 6, the European Capital of Culture concert "Born in Riga" at the Latvian National Opera on the dedicated outdoor stages will be a meeting place in Riga-born world music stars.

In This concert we can see Maija Kovalevska Inese Galante, Alexander Antonenko, Egils Silins, Mischa Maisky, Ksenija Sidarova, Baiba Skride, Iveta Apkalna, Vestards Shimkus, Raimonds Pauls, Daniil Bulajevs and Lyma Jansson, the Latvian Radio Choir, the National Choir "Latvia" and the conductor Sirmais, chamber orchestra "Kremerata Baltica" and created especially for this project Orchestra, which brings together musicians who currently plays not only in Latvian and too in European orchestras. Orchestra conducted by Andris Poga and Māris Sirmais. Concert "Born in Riga" ideas the author has Daina Markov, director Simon Davis, stage designer Aigars Ozolins.
Concert "Born in Riga" program covers a broad spectrum of music and musicians, together presenting the greatest Latvian music and created the most famous in Riga-born musicians - folk choir, symphonic music,'s best instrumentalists and our outstanding opera star. The concert will Wagner, Tchaikovsky, Giuseppe Verdi, Puccini, A.Maskata, G.Pelēča and many other excellent Latvian and foreign composers.
Already 14 years i work on a book about the Brivibas street in Riga issue. Its name "Brivibas street - history of Riga messenger." Due to the fact that the concert will take place at the Opera little look at the book section of the canal-side and Bastion Hill.
Live of this concert you can see in moore tv's of Europe and in Latvian Tv or www.ltv.lv
One of the components of Riga is parks and gardens. Riga compared to other capital cities, is one of the greenest cities in Europe. Most of the parks and squares of captalcity is in the center of Riga.

The first evidence of Riga's parks, gardens and squares comes from Middle Ages, when inside the fortress walls, gardens arranged primarily utilitarian needs. Riga Dome Cathedral in the courtyard of the monastery was the largest and oldest Riga garden. Outside the city walls were extensive orchards and vegetable bar.
18th century firsthalf after the accession of Russia to Riga, the city began to grow rapidly garden art.
1812 burnt the suburbs of Riga and beautifully landscaped parks and gardens, plants are burned. It because they think that the city of Napoleon Bonaparte attack.
Along with the development of parks and gardens in Riga began a planned introduction of species other countries. 18th century in the wake of the garden the best examples of a variety of Western Europe entered the trees, shrubs and flowers.
Already 1813th was established suburbs planting commission, which had to take care of the greenery further placement and care.

Planting was a great response from the public, and the commission sought out sharp donations. It was planted in avenues, planted lawns. 1815th was established by the Standing Committee, which donated funds maintained greenery and established a new order. It was created Vērmanes park.
At the same time it was installed in the small Vērmanes park.
Parks, gardens and squares in a widespread installation of gardens for managing the establishment of the 1879th year, which the first director was G. Kufalts. In his project built most of Riga's parks and gardens - Song Festival Park (formerly Kaiser) Vērmanes garden, greenery along the Canal, Dzeguzkalna Park, Peace Gardens, Grīziņkalna park greenery at the Victory Column, Herder's Square, at the Anatomical of Riga Art Academy, Albert Square, at New Gertrude's Church. In Time of G. Kufalt during the assortment of trees and shrubs in the greenery of Riga increased by more than 3 times. First World War, on the eve of their number amounted to 327 taxa (47 conifers and deciduous 280). 20th century began to build Mežaparks, the Zoo and the Forest cemetery.

1915th year of Riga garden was taken over by the talented gardeners and landscape architect Andrew Zeidaks. He made us perhaps a characteristic type of garden, which is reflected in Latvian nature in all its glory. The parks were created extensive lawns, planted in height and contrasting shades of trees and shrubs. Riga greenery widely introduced perennials flower plantations. Parks composition did use the topography, enriching the landscape with a variety of architectural and decorative sculptural elements. New type of garden landscape first appeared Vērmanes garden and Bastion Hill. 1925th year A.Zeidaks improved the Opera Square. Was completely transformed Sagittarius garden Grīziņkalna and Dzeguzkalna greenery, peace and Arcadia Park. According to him, developed projects arranged by the greenery of the Daugava waterfront, Ziedonis and Moscow garden. Of great significance was A.Zeidaks Riga Brethren Cemetery constitution. In his project also created Raina cemetery.
The church was damaged as Riga suffered during World War II. During the early post-war years were created squares - greenery at the Philharmonic, 13th January Street, etc. From in 1950. - In 1952. Was planted the middle of the Esplanade. It was created in Uzvaras (Victory) Park. It was rebuilt and slightly modified several parks: Vērmanes garden Bastion (established in Riga, the largest rock garden), Kronvalds Park, Moscow park, etc. After the war most of the greenery of Riga's public gardens designed by talented architect Karlis Baron.

Fortification system near the canal began to build in the middle of the XVI century and gradually improved the Swedish kings and Russian tsars times.
Twisted around the city ring 2 miles long, more than 10 m high and 3 m thick coating of red brick with 29 towers. As already wealthy people living in Riga constantly feared for their property. While brought the defensive, knight power time was over. But the fortification system remained.

It consists of ramparts, bastions and fortification ditch. Around the old town was 9 bastions, 4 ravels and additional Fortress - Citadel 6 bastions and 2 ravelins. The citadel of the envelope of the ditch water to the invaders threaten not only the shooting, but before hanging up.
1537th year fortifications outside the walls begin to sift 8-11 m high ramparts and fortification ditch digging up the width of the current Aspazija Boulevard to Raina Boulevard. The city ramparts through 12 led to harden and guarded gates. Three main gate opened daily sun sunrise and closed at sunset, the other used for special occasions. The key stored in the town hall. Which every world Blandon or dienaszaglis could be inside. Noprasīja desk first, to go, why not go and do what they think. Farmers ores sunrise greeted, standing in long lines at the gate. Each farmer had registered your dealer and only then could be sold true hemp or flax and buy yourself a salt and herring.
Greenery along the Canal formed in 1650, after a Riga castle ramparts.

In place of one bastion was built the National Opera, and the other was created by Bastion Hill. Consequently, the ramparts were built across the channel first independent bridges across the channel: Nicholas (now Kr. Valdemāra), Alexander (Brivibas) and Suvorov (Barona) streets. Bridges were built using materials and fortification walls were completed in the 1858th year. The first greenery of K.Valdemāra street to street Barons installed at the Lübeck engineering sketches. 1859th year Bastejkalns installed the first greenery, but the pavilion was built. 1887. Planting was completed, and the hill was built in Viennese cafe.
1881st in the greenery arranged at the National Opera, which was built 1863rd year. After the year Opera House fir breaks out, and greenery die, but in the 1888th year in management of Kufalt green areas was restored.

In 1887year installed a fountain - a sculptural group "Nymph" in metalzinc casting. Sculpture was cast sylph - Mermaid with seashell heavy overhead and children at their feet playing with the dolphins. 

The 1898th year after the project was installed Kufalta rock piles with small cascades and waterfalls decorated streams. Since the movement of the hill is a worm, the Bastion Hill called the Snail Hill.

1892nd in the Bastion Hill at the foot of the canal built a 23-meter-long curved bridge. It was so steep that people in winter drifting off and the bridge was ironically dubbed the eighth world wonder.For a long time they don’t need laughed, because the bridge was rebuilt.

On the other hand some enterprising Rulle doctor prescribing their patients health ascent in Bastejkalns. Wealthiest citizens rose also and ceased to praise the wise doctor who inspired them with the encouragement of treatment with natural methods and tools.
Swan house (1893rd) Japanese style it was built by the architect H. Scheel project. Swans Garden city administration presented Riga bird breeding association. Interestingly, the swan house was once applied to the floating pontoon. During the winter months it is usually pulled ashore at a place where it is still there.

Ginkgo along the Canal - the largest and oldest ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) Latvian and Baltic States. The tree height of 13 meters, circumference - 3.1 meters. senior representative of trees on Earth. This species on earth survived 125 million years of ancient times, and it is likely that the first copy of the dinosaurs ate leaves (Ginkgo easy to recognize - it is a distinctive fan-shaped leaves of autumn colored bright yellow). City canal bridge at Timm, University side.

Seen only Latvian 1900. Georg Kūfalt planted United diocia. Opposite the Opera House in the spring white snowdrifts sinking magnolia grown in the University Botanic Garden, but planted in the twentieth century. 70th years away is a bright yellow flowering Fortina Forsitija that comes from China.
Total canal greenery grows 110 alien tree and shrub species and 19 local species such as purple apple tree (Malus x purpurea), Kobus magnolia (Magnolia Kobus), United diocia (Gymnocladus dioica), silver linden (Tilia tomentosa), goldleaf Canadian poplar (Populus xcanadensis 'Aurea'), Tatarstan maple (Acer tataricum), unobserved horse chestnut (Aesculus x neglecta), yellow horse chestnut (Aesculus flava) crooked broad-leaved linden (Tilia platyphylla "oblique"), gray walnut (Juglans cinerea), the dogwood (Cornus mas), Alpine gold items (Laburnumalpinum), ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), Manchurian walnut (Juglans), field maple (Acer campestre), Crimean linden (Tilia x euchlora), pendulous common ash (Fraxinus excelsior 'Pendula') green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica var. subintegerrima), polka dot hawthorns (Crataegus punctata) divirbuļu hawthorns (Crataegus laevigata), laurifolia poplar (Populus laurifolia), common hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), alder (Alnus glutinosa), common yew (Taxus baccata) and other.

Armitstead family - British settlers - Riga known since the 1812th year. George Armitstead father's brother James Armitstead (1826 - 1879) was the oldest of the Great Guild, from 1856. - 1868. Year - Riga Stock Exchange Committee. James Armitstead donated funds for construction of the Children's Clinical Hospital, as well as the gift of Riga 17 art collection (now the Museum of Foreign Art). Mostly Armitstead family known by the fact that many of the objects constructed in Riga: this is now the National Museum building K.Valdemara, current National Theatre, Riga Zoo, Andrejsala power station building, water pump station in Baltezers, 16 schools and many other buildings.

Walking bridge over the canal (1899th-in 1901.), Built by the engineer J.Krapivjanska project. Bridge construction cost of 16,594 rubles to the city, of which 9,000 rubles was allocated Polytechnic Institute Professor GVTimma widow, fulfilling his deceased husband's sentiments. Evaluation of this donation, the city of bridges called GVTimma bridge.

Swan house (1893rd) Japanese style it was built by the architect H. Scheel project. Swans Garden city administration presented Riga bird breeding association. Interestingly, the swan house was once applied to the floating pontoon. During the winter months it is usually pulled ashore at a place where it is still there.

Monument in Riga, Brivibas Boulevard built from 1931.-1935.y. The Freedom Monument is a national monument of art, as well as one of the most important Latvian Latvian independence and identity symbols. This epic composition expressed in Latvian folk symbols of valor, as well as the cultural aesthetic and ethical source of strength. The authors of the monument are sculptor and architect K.Zāles E.Štālbergs. Monumenta a height of 42 m. More than 19 m high obelisk columns 9 meters high power built the statue of liberty (Milda), a Swedish sculptor Ragnar Mirsmeden work. The arms of the pentagonal there 3 golden stars, symbolizing the Latvian regions - Vidzeme, Kurzeme and Latgale. The monument is made of gray granite, red granite and travertine. It consists of 13 groups and sculptural reliefs. It is against the foot of a round face extra-urban terrace with stairs on both sides of stairwells.

Currently, as a popular meeting place for people at the "Laima" clock was popular from the very early days of installation of the clock thirties. Before that, there was one from Riga so typical poster posts. Watches with their verve talk Riga imposed deputy A. Veckalns, one of the independent Latvian state leaders of social time, arguing that workers are thus not arrive at work early and will be no more able to exploit them. Watches colonnade at the kiosk and Freedom Boulevard corner Aspazija based simple ironwork. Later it added the Chocolate Factory "Riegert" finance shell. Since the 1936th year clock support plate is decorated with the word "Laima".

I photographed a few more pictures of the both sidesCanal (Kanalmala),  the Bastion Hill (Bastejkalns).and Kronvalds park.